Monday, December 23, 2019
A Brief Note On Unionization And Non Unionization Essay
Two outcomes have to be thought of when we think of unionization and non-unionization. The affect it has on the standard of life and its effect on wages. According to Long (2013, April) â€Å"Recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) show that, on average, union workers receive larger wage increases than those of nonunion workers and generally earn higher wages and have greater access to most of the common employer-sponsored benefits as well.†Long (2013, April). In regards to non-unionization the data from the BLS show that even though the wage is lower the number of individuals not in unions are growing year on year. Unionization According to (, 2010), â€Å"A labor union is an organization intended to represent the collective interests of workers in negotiations with employers over wages, hours, benefits and working conditions.†(, 2010). The first labor union was founded in 1866, this union was formed to organize all workers regardless of profession, this union failed to gain traction but set an example for others to come. This was just the beginning as the Knights of Labor in 1869 set the precedence by focusing on Key issues namely opposing child labor, and getting eight-hour work weeks. Fast forwarding, statistics for labor across states are going down year on year (figure 1) shows how each state compares in terms of union numbers. New York and California have the highest concentration of union workers with 2,622,303 (New York) andShow MoreRelated High-Tech Workers in the Silicon Valley Essay2657 Words  | 11 PagesBrief History of the Valley The Silicon Valley area became a major manufacturing power after World War II. The Cold War furthered this development, as industries involved in defense, aerospace, steel, oil, automobiles, and so on prospered (Hossfeld 405-406). 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