Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Native Americans During Andrew Jackson’s Presidency
Imagine being taken out of your home and told that you must leave to a new, foreign land and leave the only thing that you know. This is what Native Americans during Andrew Jackson’s presidency had to live through. America was growing rapidly, expanding into the lower south of the U.S. During the 19th century white settlers moving into the area, were faced with Native Americans living on the land. These settlers were looked upon as a major obstacle for expansion of the United States. Driven by gold fever and the ideas for new business, the settlers were looking towards the government to help them take the land away from the Natives. Presidents had acknowledged the issue of Natives and whites coexisting and the problems that would be addressed, but it wasn’t until Andrew Jackson stepped into American history that a change would’ve be made. â€Å"Andrew Jackson was a wealthy slave owner and infamous Indian killer, gaining the nickname ‘Sharp Knife’ from the Cherokee,†(Source 3) He grew up to be a well-known, tough Indian fighter by reputation and a fearless military leader. Unlike presidents before him, he was from South Carolina, born into the common class. He represented the average white man. He and his supporters created a political organization called Democracy. Jackson was a relentless man doing what needed to be done for the growth of America and it’s values, and he would do anything to make sure that the working class had the same social rights. To take out the NativeShow MoreRelatedThe Era Of Andrew Jackson1663 Words  | 7 PagesThe Era of Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States, elected in eighteen twenty-eight. Prior to his presidency Andrew Jackson was well known and favored for his success against the British in the war of eighteen-twelve. Upon election, Andrew Jackson became known as the people’s president gaining the majority of electoral votes over his opponent John quincy Adams.Throughout his presidency many events occurred that would shape America as a nation. During his timeRead MoreAndrew Jackson And The Influence Of The Jacksonian Democracy1259 Words  | 6 PagesDuring the 1820s and 1830s, the Democratic Party grew under the influence of the politician Andrew Jackson. The Democrats believed in a limited federal government and supported giving more power to the states. 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After serving at war, he would serve two terms as presidentRead MoreAndrew Jackson: One of the Most Influential Presidents of All Time 1712 Words  | 7 PagesAndrew Jackson’s influence on the politics of his time was remarkable. He was the only president to have an era named after him. He also changed the way this country was run and expanded the country’s borders. He changed mu ch, but the four most important aspects of this era, in chronological order, were his victory over the British, his defeat in the presidential race of 1824, his successful presidential campaign in 1828, and his decision to remove Native Americans to land west of the MississippiRead MoreAndrew Jackson: The Seventh President of the United States Essay818 Words  | 4 PagesIn the United States so far, there have been dozens of presidents. To be exact, there have been 44 presidents. Every president has made his own, unique contribution to get the country to where it is today. Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States, was perhaps the most controversial president America has experienced. Jackson was a successful president in his own mind, escaping difficult living conditions as a child in South Carolina and fighting for the nation in the War of 1812Read MoreEssay about Andrew Jackson765 Words  | 4 Pages Andrew Jackson      Andrew Jackson was born in the Waxhaws near the border of North and South Carolina, on March 15, 1767. When Andrew Jackson was born, no one probably guessed that he would be the seventh president of the United States of America. He wasn’t a â€Å"high class†person or had all the same credentials, but he became a war hero thus lifting him to his presidency.      Andy Jackson was born the third child of Scotch-Irish parents. Jackson’s father, also named Andrew, died as a resultRead MoreThe Book I Reviewed By Sean Wilentz Essay1102 Words  | 5 Pagesknown books. Some of which include: Chants Democratic and The Rise of American Democracy. Sean Wilentz is clearly qualified to write on the subject of history. The book I reviewed is a biography about the 7th president of the United States, Andrew Jackson. Wilentz tells about Jackson’s life from his childhood to his second term as president. Society’s opinions of Jackson have changed throughout the years. People either love Andrew Jackson, or they hate him. He is considered controversial by some standardsRead MoreThe Legacy Of Andrew Jackson1090 Words  | 5 PagesAndrew Jackson America’s history is rich and full of countless heroes, scandals, and incredible stories. Perhaps one of the most interesting of those stories is that of Andrew Jackson’s. To some, he was a hero, but to others, he was their worst enemy. Being raised in the mountains of the Carolinas, he became the first â€Å"backcountry president†of the United States (Wilentz, 13). His fame, though, began years before his presidency. Jackson’s reputation was established during the War of 1812, namely
Monday, December 23, 2019
A Brief Note On Unionization And Non Unionization Essay
Two outcomes have to be thought of when we think of unionization and non-unionization. The affect it has on the standard of life and its effect on wages. According to Long (2013, April) â€Å"Recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) show that, on average, union workers receive larger wage increases than those of nonunion workers and generally earn higher wages and have greater access to most of the common employer-sponsored benefits as well.†Long (2013, April). In regards to non-unionization the data from the BLS show that even though the wage is lower the number of individuals not in unions are growing year on year. Unionization According to (Investopedia.com, 2010), â€Å"A labor union is an organization intended to represent the collective interests of workers in negotiations with employers over wages, hours, benefits and working conditions.†(Investopedia.com, 2010). The first labor union was founded in 1866, this union was formed to organize all workers regardless of profession, this union failed to gain traction but set an example for others to come. This was just the beginning as the Knights of Labor in 1869 set the precedence by focusing on Key issues namely opposing child labor, and getting eight-hour work weeks. Fast forwarding, statistics for labor across states are going down year on year (figure 1) shows how each state compares in terms of union numbers. New York and California have the highest concentration of union workers with 2,622,303 (New York) andShow MoreRelated High-Tech Workers in the Silicon Valley Essay2657 Words  | 11 PagesBrief History of the Valley The Silicon Valley area became a major manufacturing power after World War II. The Cold War furthered this development, as industries involved in defense, aerospace, steel, oil, automobiles, and so on prospered (Hossfeld 405-406). The high-technology industry began in the laboratories of corporations such as Bell Laboratories, American Telephone and Telegraph, Fairchild Camera and Instrument, and General Electric during this Cold War era (Bacon, â€Å"Organizing†)Read MoreUnion Management Relations15863 Words  | 64 Pagesinefficient allocation of resources. This can be called the price effect of unions , i.e., the effect of an increase in the price of labor. The price effect explanation assumes that the workplace was already producing at the efficient frontier before unionization and that no further gains in productivity could be made ex-post. A second set of explanations have been offered by a number of scholars who have argued that management of its own does not generally operate at maximum efficiency. Notable among economicRead MoreAnalysis of Right to Work Laws Essay5677 Words  | 23 PagesNovember 4, 1958.) | Fla. Const. Article 1,  § 6  § 6. Right to WorkTitle 31. Labor (Chs. 435-452) Chapter 447. Labor Organizations Part I. General Provisions | The right of persons to work shall not be denied or abridged on account of membership or non-membership in any labor union or labor organization. The right of employees, by and through a labor organization, to bargain collectively shall not be denied or abridged. Public employees shall not have the right to strike. (Constitution Amended byRead MoreThe Cause of Globalization18688 Words  | 75 Pagesetc.). Throughout, I define globalization somewhat narrowly as the 1. In 1980, there were fewer than 300 articles or books with the word global or globalization in the title. In 1995, the number was over 3,000 (Guillen, in press, Table 2). AUTHOR’S NOTE: Thanks to Stephen Brooks, Michael Dooley, Jeffry Frieden, and Ronald Rogowski for helpful discussions on various aspects of this article. I would also like to thank Alexandra Guisinger, Nathan Jensen, Jason Sorens, Andrew Youn, and especially NancyRead MoreHuman Resource Planning in the Banking Sector of Bangladesh: a Comparative Study Between Public Private Bank4874 Words  | 20 Pagesadditional manpower. The basic purpose of manpower planning in the banking sector is to ensure an effective control over labour costs by avoiding both shortages and surpluses of personnel in an organization. 1.2 Problem Statement: This section provides a brief description of the statement of the problem which includes general problem of manpower planning and specific problem of Human Resources Planning in the banking sector. General Problem: By listing some of the personal mistakes, which people don’t wantRead MoreStudy Guide Essay25129 Words  | 101 Pagesmay be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotation in review. Copyright  © 2014 by California Coast University BAM 411 Human Resource Management Syllabus Course Number BAM 411 Course Title Human Resource Management Course Description This course provides a thorough review of essentialRead MoreWalmart8090 Words  | 33 PagesSears, AP, and Kroger became known in the retail environment. Early Discount Approach: The first small discount stores started in the 1930s, developed in the years after WWII and really began to take off in the 1960s as giant discount chains. A Brief history of Sam Walton the founder of Wal-Mart Sam Walton wanted to build a company that both cared for people and would make some money. With his timely thinking he and his partners built a company that has not slowed down. While staying one stepRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words  | 820 Pages1964 and Other Important Federal Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 Affirmative Action and Comparable Worth . . . . . . . . . 285 xii Contents Sexual Harassment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Unionization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 Section 5: Leading 13â€â€Motivation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Read MoreStrategic Human Resource Management View.Pdf Uploaded Successfully133347 Words  | 534 Pages......... 42 ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES ............................................................. 56 NONTRADITIONAL INVESTMENT APPROACHES ......... 58 SUMMARY............................................................... 67 NOTES.................................................................... 74 STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Table of Contents SECTION TWO .............................................................. 93 The Human Resource Environment.......Read MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 Pagesor for customer service please, call 1-800-CALL WILEY (225-5945). DeCenzo, David A, Robbins, Stephen P. Fundamentals of Human Resource Managementâ€â€10th ed. ISBN-13 978-0470-16968-1 Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Brief Contents PA RT 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 UNDERSTANDING HRM The Dynamic Environment of HRM 2 Fundamentals of Strategic HRM 28 PART 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 THE LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONTEXT OF HRM Equal Employment Opportunity 56 Employee Rights and
Sunday, December 15, 2019
John Brown, an Abolitionist Free Essays
â€Å"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. †– Edmund Burke Throughout the existence of slavery in America, white abolitionists have played a crucial role in the fight for the freedom of blacks. They all risked everything, and fueled by passion stepped outside of the societal norm to fight for those unable to fight. We will write a custom essay sample on John Brown, an Abolitionist or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, few white abolitionists caused as much controversy during their time as John Brown. Brown was an abolitionist who not only spoke out on his beliefs, but backed up them up with action.He was so contentious that he was able to be considered a hero and a terrorist at the same time. Although Brown’s actions were considered debatable, it can be agreed upon today that they were necessary. John Brown was born in 1800 into a deeply religious family with a father who was vigorously opposed to slavery. He went through many jobs including being a farmer, wool merchant, tanner, and land speculator, but was never financially successful. He also traveled about the country living in places such as Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and New York all while managing to father a total of twenty children.However, his lack of money and his family life didn’t stop him for fighting for what he believed in; the abolition of slavery. Though Brown was most famously known for his raid on Harpers Ferry, his involvement in anti-slavery had begun long before. And although he was known for being violent, not all of his efforts and actions resulted in bloodshed. He began his fight for slavery quite peacefully by giving some of his own land to fugitive slaves. He then adopted and raised a black baby with his wife as his own child.Brown had also participated in the Underground Railroad, helping the hiding and movement of black slaves throughout the country. In 1847 Brown had met the famous black abolitionist Frederick Douglas who described brown as â€Å"though a white gentleman, [Brown] is in sympathy a black man, and as deeply interested in our case as though his own soul had been pierced with the iron of slavery†(Africans in America). By 1849 Brown had moved into the black community of North Elba, New York, where the blacks referred to him as â€Å"a kind father to them†(Africans in America). Looking at Brown’s proceedings at this point, it’s hard to imagine how someone who fought for something so good could be considered by many to be so bad. However, as time went on and the fight for freedom in America grew more widespread, Brown’s controversial methods and violence began to develop. Brown’s move in 1855 to the Kansas territory with his five sons was when he started to gain his major significance as a figure in the antislavery fight. During this time there was a huge debate going on if Kansas was going to be a free of slave state due to its new entrance as a territory.Brown saw this as a massive opportunity, and arrived heavily armed, exploding with passion, and ready to fight. Brown was involved in numerous scuffles and hostilities, but one act led by him plunged Bleeding Kansas into more violence. Incensed by the sacking of Lawrence in May 1856 by pro-slavery supporters and the failure of the free-state men to retaliate, Brown led a midnigh t raid on a group of slavery sympathizers at Pottawatomie Creek. The raiders killed five men, which sparked the Battle of Black Jack and the border war that raged across northeast Kansas in the summer of 1856.He had also led an attack the same year on a proslavery town and brutally killed five of its settlers. Now Brown was commonly known as an outlaw, due to his increasingly violent methods of protest. However, his next and final act, the raid of Harpers Ferry, would be the most notorious moment in Brown’s life. Brown had spent the summer of 1858 looking to raise money to fund his war against slavery. He wanted to create an â€Å"army†that he would lead on a grand â€Å"battle†(Reynolds). This army consisted of he and 21 other men, 5 blacks and 16 whites, and the battle was a raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry. On October 16, 1856 Brown and his men, heavily armed with rifles, attacked Harpers Ferry in West Virginia (at that time it was just Virginia). His plan was to seize the 100,000 muskets and rifles that were located in the armory and use them to arm the local slaves. From there, they would head south, gathering more and more slaves from plantations, and fighting in a manner of â€Å"self defense†(Reynolds). He had even asked Harriet Tubman to join him in the raid; however she was ill and unable to join him.Her participation would have been interesting, and perhaps tragic, as she was the escaped slave that founded the Underground Railway. John’s plan was that the slaves would revolt and battle against their masters. However, this plan would not succeed. The Raid at Harpers Ferry would be a beginning to the Civil War and an end for John Brown. The raid initially went well, they were able to capture the armory due it being guarded by a single watchmen. They then rounded up hostages from some local farms, one being the great grad nephew of George Washington, and spread the news to the local slaves.Unfortunately, Brown and his men soon found themselves surrounded by the U. S Marines led by Colonel Robert E. Lee and were commanded to surrender. Brown initially refused, stating â€Å"No, I prefer to die here†(New World Encyclopedia). Soon the power of the Marines was too much, Brown had become wounded, and he and the survivors of the raid became detained. Brown was taken to Charleston, Virginia where he was given a trial. Before hearing his sentence Brown was permitted to make an address to the court, where he tried to tell the people to look at slavery in a different way.He spoke of the terrible treatment of slaves, how they were essentially unpaid laborers, how families were torn apart and sold, the terrible housing conditions, and how they were beaten and raped. He told the nation â€Å"†¦I believe to have interfered as I have done,†¦ in behalf of his despised poor, was not wrong, but right. Now, if it be deemed necessary that I should forfeit my life for the furtherance of the ends of justice, and mingle my blood further with the blood of millions in the slave country whose rights are disregarded by wicked, cruel, and unjust enactments, I submit: so let it be done†(Trial of John Brown).John Brown was found guilty and convicted of treason and on December 2, 1859 he was hanged. On his way to be hung at the gallows, Brown had slipped a note to a fellow prisoner that read â€Å"I, John Brown am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land: will never be purged away: but with Blood. I had as I know think: vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed; it might be done†(Brogan pg. 309). Not only was this a last word for Brown, but it eerily seemed to also be a prophetic forewarning of the soon-to-come Civil War. After his trial and death, the news had circulated all over of Brown’s life and death. The controversy ignited immediately, as if the country was covered in gasoline and Brown’s death was the match dropped upon it. He had even been coined the name â€Å"the ‘spark’ that caused the Civil War†(Frye). According to some, he was an abolitionist martyr, and had inspired many to keep fighting for freedom. But to others, he was a madman, murderer, and terrorist whose death brought about relief. Brown’s death had â€Å"hurled the country into conundrum†(Frye). So was he the liberator of Kansas or simply a crazed maniac?What made it such a tough topic was that even for those who supported antislavery, what he was fighting for seemed right but the way he went about it was questionable. The day after he was executed, Abraham Lincoln had said â€Å"old John Brown has been executed for treason against the state, we cannot object, even though he agreed with us in thinking slavery was wrong. That cannot excuse violence, bloodshed, and treason. It could avail him nothing that he might think right now†(Striner pg. 101). However he did have many influential people that considered him to be a hero.Upon the news of his death, William Lloyd Garrison had said â€Å"was John Brown justified in his attempt? Yes, if Washington was in his. †Louisa May Alcott had called Brown â€Å"St. John the Just†and worshiped him (Frye). When Harriet Tubman heard the news of his death, she â€Å"mourned the death of her friends in the raid, and continued to hold John Brown as her hero†(Lewis). Henry David Thoreau had stated â€Å"No man in America has ever stood up so persistently and effectively for the dignity of human nature†¦Is it not possible that an individual may be right and a government wrong†¦Are laws to be enforced simply because they were made†(Frye).The controversy that Brown had caused didn’t just exist during his time. Only fifty years ago, in 1959 (the midst of the civil rights movement) the Civil War Centennial Commission, established by Congress in September 1957 wanted to hold a celebratory remembrance of the Harpers Ferry Raid at the site in West Virginia. However research found that â€Å"The people of the South would be unanimous in opposition to any celebration of the John Brown raid, and most conservative people in the North would be strongly opposed to it†(Frye).It turned out that7/8ths of people at that time in the U. S were seriously concerned about the celebration. The one-eighth who weren’t? The African-American population. What made him so controversial is that when you have right and wrong clearly laid out, things aren’t that difficult to see. However, Brown didn’t just have people that were on his side, or not on his side. His violent way of fighting for the freedom of slaves caused people that generally were on his side, to find him too much of a hot topic to support, in a sense causing a division within the divisions.However, what wasn’t so clear then that is today is that those violent antics that got him into such trouble may in fact have been necessary as a desperate and final action that would in fact cause a physical reaction. John Brown knew that he had to pay the ultimate price in order to pursue his beliefs. That is what made him the abolitionist whose words and deeds provided the backbone and impetus for the Civil War and an end to slavery. His actions may have been extreme, but as seen repeated throughout history, the most influential figures and true fighters are the ones that didn’t just sit around and do nothing.Who John Brown was, what he stood for, and what made him such an important figure in American history can be seen in a quote by Edmund Burke, one of the few Englishmen who supported the American Revolution: â€Å"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. †How to cite John Brown, an Abolitionist, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Cliff free essay sample
My town sleeps on the mountains. Not the treacherous peaks of the Rockies, but the ancient rippling spine of the Appalachians, sometimes cloaked by pale cerulean clouds and sometimes revealing a blended palette of forest green, burgundy, and crimson trees. Looking up, or across, or sideways, I always glimpsed a circle of lilac slopes protecting the blue vinyl houses and crackly lawns of Johnson City, Tennessee. I grew up in this sheltered town, cradled by ancient heights, where the clerks at Kroger greeted you by name, and where your history teacher lived next door and watered her poinsettias each evening at half past eight. At night, I didn’t jerk awake to glaring city lights or frantic ambulance sirens, but to a definite hush which sprinkled the town like drizzling rain. Each morning I walked to school from my flat-faced, red brick house. That was routineâ€â€each day the same English, science, history courses, each day the same cafeteria with the same turquoise trays, and the same clocks in each room, which were behind for half the year because the school never bothered changing them after daylight savings time. We will write a custom essay sample on The Cliff or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It was after the last bell rang that my fantasies gushed out, carrying me to exquisite palaces and scorching deserts, to perilous slopes and freezing wastelands. Above the schoolâ€â€or rather, behind and above the schoolâ€â€was a soccer field, and what I liked to call a cliff. A steep face of imposing gray rock. To reach the cliff required two treacherous expeditions: one from the back of the school, over a fence, up a grassy slope, and onto the soccer field, and the second from across the soccer field to a labored climb up the steep rock face. I never dared to venture all the way up the cliff, but made a home in a small flat clearing, more than well equipped with ornate thrones carved from rocks, and plush beds of grass. When I wanted to flee from my parents’ belligerent voices, shattering each other over and over in endless battle, I grabbed my Jansport backpack and ran out the back door to my cliff. Perching on a smooth pile of rocks, my throne, I would look over the small flat town and the continuous curve of the Appalachians. Here I was at peace, I could sit cross-legged and draw without covering my ears to drown out my parents’ screams, I could sleepily gaze at the sunset and feel the sprinkling of stardust, while fantastic beings from other worlds came to pay their respects. Eventually the cliff acquired a blanket, carefully folded into a rock hollow, pages of writings and art, buried underground and marked with arcane symbols in the dirt, and even a plastic tarp, for when it rained. My palace was complete, and my kingdom as beautiful as ever, for it was now summer. And of course, we moved. Moved from beautiful Tennessee to cold and flat Iowa, where every morning I trudged through a foot of snow to the tiny school, carrying my bagged lunch in one hand and a rented violin in the other. But two years laterwhen we moved yet another time to Georgiawe visited my beloved town. I expected a quaint, lovely small mountain town, the wonderful place I left. Instead, a silent, desolate expanse of failing shops and empty street corners greeted us. As we drove up to my old neighborhood, I eagerly peeked out the window, searching for that sharp slab of slanted rock. I saw the school, traced my eyes over the soccer field, and over a small rise of rock, and over a steeper rise, and to the road and houses above, and above that more trees†¦did they cut it down? My mom points out the window, â€Å"Look, remember that’s where you used to play?†She was pointing to the tiny slope. We drove closer; my parents parked the car to visit the school. I walk slowly, steadily up not-so-steep hills to my clearing. I sat on my rock and tried to grasp some of that enchantment which so inspired me before, but all I could find were fading memories. My palace had fallen to reality, the fantasies unwound. Sometimes when we return to childhood corners we feel silly and alien, too big to believe in the sparkling world we made for ourselves. My childhood was protected by gentle mountains and fluffy clouds, where every challenge seemed like an adventure and every misfortune a heartbreak. In hindsight these fancies seem ludicrous, but the inspiration we draw from them stays with us. Though I was too sophisticatedâ€â€so I thoughtâ€â€for my palace, it was still on that small â€Å"cliff†that I felt completely at peace. I sat there for a long time.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Social inequality free essay sample
Teaching Schedule for the Course on: SOCIAL STRATIFICATION Semester: January – April, 2014 Instructor: Satyapriya Rout, Department of Sociology, UoH Month: January Week Class Topic Suggested Readings I (Jan. 6 – 10) 1 An introduction to stratification analysis Daniel W. Rossides, Social Stratification (chapter – 1) 2 Meaning and Nature of Stratification Melvin Tumin, Social Stratification II (Jan 13 – 17) 3 Stratification Through history Daniel W. Rossides, Social Stratification (chapter – 2) 4 How societies generate stratification Melvin Tumin, Social Stratification (Chapter – 3,4,5) III (Jan. 20 – 24) 5 Interrogating Inequality Erik Olin Wright, Interrogating Inequality (Chapter – 1) 6 Introduction to Class Analysis – classic inheritance its debate Rosemary Crompton, Class and Stratification (Ch. – 1,2) IV (Jan 27 – 31) 7 Theories of class Structure – Marx Benedix Lipset, Class, Status and Power (Sec – 1) 8 Weber – Class, status, party Benedix Lipset, Class, Status and Power (Sec – 1) Month February V (Feb. 3 – 7) 9 Inequality and Social Structure – comparison of Marx and Weber Erik Olin Wright. 2002. ‘The Shadow of Exploitation in Weber’s Class Analysis’, American Sociological Review, Vol. 67, No. 6, 832 – 53. Reinhard Bendix. We will write a custom essay sample on Social inequality or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 1974. ‘Inequality and Social Structure: A Comparison of Marx and Weber’, American Sociological Review, Vol. 39, No. 2, 149 – 61. Val Burris. 1987. ‘The Neo-Marxist Synthesis of Marx and Weber on Class’. In Norbert Wiley (ed.) The Marx – Weber Debate, Newbury Park: Sage (chapter – 3) 10 Marx and Weber – Exploitation and Dominance FIRST INTERNAL TEST – BOOK REVIEW VI (Feb10 – 14) 11 Does Class Matter – Reshaping and Dissolution of Class in Advanced Society Jan Pakulski Malcom Waters. 1996. ‘Reshaping and Dissolution of Class in Advance Society’, Theory and Society, Vol. 25 (5), 667 91 12 Does Class Matter – The continuing relevance of class E. O. Wright. 1996. ‘Continuing Relevance of Class Analysis’, Theory and Society, Vol. 25 (5), 693 716 VII (Feb. 17 -21) 13 Stratification – A functionalist perspective Kingsley Davis. 1942. A conceptual analysis of stratification, Americal Sociological Review, 7: 309 – 321, Kingsley and Moore in Benedix Lipset, Class, Status and Power 14 Some principles of stratification – A Critical perspective Tumin, in Benedix Lipset, Class, Status and Power VIII (Feb. 24 – 28) 15 Hierarchy and Difference – Dipankar Gupta Dipankar Gupta, in Gupta (ed.) Social Stratification 16 Some emerging issues in the Indian social stratification Yogendra Singh in K L Sharma (ed.) Social Stratification in India Month March IX (Mar 3 – 7) 17 Inequality Among Men – I (hierarchies of status) Andre Beteille. Inequality Among Men 18 Inequality Among Men – II (distribution of power SECOND INTERNAL TEST – ASSIGNMENT ON ‘CONCEPTUAL AND THEORETICAL APPROACHES IN UNDERSTANDING INEQUALITY’ X (Mar 10 – 14) 19 Hierarchy, Status and Power: The Caste System and its implications Louise Dumont, in Dipankar Gupta (ed) Social Stratification 20 Continuous Hierarchies and Discrete Castes Dipankar Gupta, in Gupta (ed.) Social Stratification XI (Mar 17 – 21) 21 Caste and Class in India: Some Conceptual problems K. L Sharma, in Sharma (ed) Social Stratification in India 22 Kerala Christians and the Caste System C.J Fuller in Gupta (ed.) Social Stratification XII (Mar24 – 28) 23 Agrarian Class Structure in India Daniel Thorner and DN Dhanagare in Gupta (ed.) Social Stratification 24 Agrarian Class and political mobilisation in India T. K. Oommen, in Sharma (ed) Social Stratification in India Month April XIII (March 31 – April 4) 25 Tribe as a category in stratification analysis Andre Beteille, 1986. ‘Concept of tribe with special reference to India’. European Journal of Sociology Virginius Xaxa. ‘Tribes as Indigenous People of India’, EPW 26 Tribal Identity and Class Differentiation Ghanshyam Saha, in Gupta (ed.) Social Stratification THIRD INTERNAL TEST (WRITTEN) XIV (Apr 7 – 11) 27 Reference Group Theory and Social Mobility R. K. Merton, in Lipset Benexix (ed.) Class, Status and Power 28 Mobility in Caste System/Some expressions of caste mobility M N Srinivas in Gupta (ed.) Social Stratification M N Srinivas, Social Change in Modern India (ch. 3) XV (Apr 14 – 18) 29 Caste, Class and Social Mobility among the SCs K. L Sharma, in Sharma (ed.) Social Stratification and Mobility 30 Gender and Stratification In Anthony Giddens, Sociology XVI (Apr 21 – 25) 31 Caste and Women Leela Dubey in M.N.Srinivas (ed.) Caste: In Its 20th century Avatar 32 Gender in the Making of the Indian Nation-State Maitrayee Chaudhuri in Sharmila Rege (ed.) Sociology of Gender FINAL SEMESTER EXAMINATION
Monday, November 25, 2019
French Media and Communication Vocabulary
French Media and Communication Vocabulary Media is all around us and frequently comes up in both casual and professional conversation. Learning French vocabulary for communication and media will help you share ideas in French and understand other French speakers. News les actualità ©s: newslactualità ©: current affairsles mà ©dias: the media TV and Radio le cà ¢ble: cable TVla chaà ®ne: channella chaà ®ne publique: public service stationun(e) envoyà ©(e) spà ©cial(e): special reporterune à ©mission: programle journal: news bulletinle lecteur de DVD: DVD playerle magnà ©tophone: tape recorderle magnà ©toscope: VCRla publicità ©: advertisementla radio: radiole reporter: reporterla retransmission: broadcastla tà ©là ©: TVla tà ©là ©vision: television Print Media le journal: newspaperle/la journaliste: reporterle kiosque: newsstandle magazine: magazinela petite annonce: classified adla revue: scholarly or informational publication, journal Computer le courriel, email, mà ©l: emaille fournisseur daccà ¨s Internet: ISP (internet service provider)lInternet: internetle Minitel: public access information system created by France Tà ©là ©comle navigateur: (internet) browserun ordinateur: computer Letter Writing une adresse: addressla boà ®te aux lettres: mailboxla carte postale: postcardle courrier: (snail) maille destinataire: recipient, To:une enveloppe: envelopelexpà ©diteur: sender, From:la lettre: letterle paquet, le colis: packagela poste: post officele timbre: stamp On the Phone While there are specialized vocabulary words related to using the phone, there are also a number of useful phrases that are commonly used when talking on the phone. la cabine tà ©là ©phonique: telephone boothle fax: fax (machine)la messagerie vocale: voice maille mobile: cell phonela pià ¨ce (de monnaie): coinle rà ©pondeur: answering machinela tà ©là ©carte: phonecardle tà ©là ©phone: telephone Communication Verbs appeler: to calldire: to sayà ©couter la radio: to listen to the radioà ©crire: to writeenvoyer (par la poste): to mail, sendenvoyer par email: to emailenvoyer par fax, faxer: to faxlire: to readtà ©là ©phoner : to call
Friday, November 22, 2019
Chemistry Chapter One Flashcards Example for Free
Chemistry Chapter One Gaining knowledge based on observation Biological science and physical science Study of things that are/were alive Botany- plants Zoology- animals Mycology- fungi Microbiology- microorganisms Chemistry-matter and its properties/reactions Physics- relationship between matter and energy Nature does not have categories of science, but†¦ Categories help us organize the information There are many combinations or cross overs of†¦ These categories of science (example: biochemistry) Study of composition, structure, and properties of matter, the processes that matter undergoes, and the energy changes that accompany these processes Organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, and theoretical chemistry Study of most carbon containing compounds Study of properties and changes of matter and their relation to energy Identification of the components and composition of materials Study of substances and processes occurring in living things Use of mathematics and computers to understand principles behind chemical behavior Basic research, applied research, technological development Research for the sake of increasing knowledge Research that involves production and use of products that improve quality of life Property that does not depend on the amount of substance (example: color, texture, density) Property that depends on the amount of the substance (example: mass, volume, length) Characteristics that can be observed without change the identity of the substance (example: color of nails is silver) Cannot be observed without changing the identity of the substance (example: rust, decomposable, flammable) Phase map in order from lowest kinetic energy to highest Degenerate matter, Bose-Einstein condensate, solid, liquid, gas, plasma, Quark-Gluon plasma Highly compressed matter existing in cores of massive stars Gasous superfluid formed by atoms and cooled to absolute zero, strongest intermolecular energy, close and strong molecules Definite shape and volume, formula units closely packed Definite volume, shape of container, formula units close and in random arrangement Takes volume and shape of container, formula units are far apart Building blocks of matter existing in soup Forces between molecules, responsible for phases Plasma, to gas, to liquid, to solid†¦ and gas to solid Deionization, condensation, freezing†¦ and deposition Plasma, to gas, to liquid, to solid†¦ and gas to solid are referred to as what? Solid, to liquid, to gas, to plasma†¦ and solid to gas Melting, evaporation, ionization†¦ and sublimation What is the purpose of a glossary and appendix? Glossary- Defines words in back of textbook Appendix- Sections append in back of textbook -Symbol is capitalized -If there are two letters, the second letter is lowercase Diatomic- H2, O2, N2, Group 17/7A/VII, F2, Cl2, I2, Br2, At2 Others- S8 (sulfur), P4 (phosphorus), O3 (ozone), Se8 (selenium) Rest are monotomic- Look up symbol Title, legend, type of measurements, units Outer cone- limited gas, lots of air Inner cone- mix of gas and air Base cone- limited air, lots of gas Long hair pulled back, goggles, closed shoes, long pants, long sleeved shirt, apron Has mass and occupies space (make pure substance and mixtures) Two or more kinds of formula units -heterogenous or homogenous -homogenous: acid, base, salt, alloy One kind of formula unit, during its phase change temperature stays the same until the change is complete -element or compound -element: metals, metalloid, non-metals -compound: covalent and ionic bonds Metal made by combining two or more metallic elements (example: brass, bronze, steel, iron) Malleable, ductile, good conductor of heat and electricity, shiny, high melting point Nonmalleable (brittle), not ductile, poor conductor of heat and electricity, dull An element whose properties are intermediate between solid nonmetals (both metal and nonmetal) Hold dropper vertically to get same size drops, squeeze bulb with uniform pressure, never stick dropper into water Turn hand over, grasp stopper between two finger, handle bottle with same hand, never put stopper on counter Heating a test tube in a burner flame Tube should be no more than 1/3 full, hold at angle, move back and forth (heating from side to side) Filtering a precipitate from a liquid Put in clean funnel, moisten with distilled water to hold in place, decant liquid from top of solid Mistake that happens to only on or a few groups in a lab Part of the experiment and happens to all groups Fractional charged subatomic particles that make up larger subatomic particles Up, down, strange, charm, top, and bottom Constructed with an inlet with an adjustment for amount of air, and amount of gas. Proper mixture yields faint blue flame for maximum heat and minimum soot What is meant by the word chemical? Substance with definite composition Physical chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry Mass-Measure of the amount of matter Matter- Anything that has mass and takes up space How does a pure compound differ from a mixture? Compound is consistent and has properties of itself. Mixtures retain properties of what makes it up Characteristic that defines an entire group of substances How are properties useful in classifying materials? Properties can be used to distinguish substances and separate them Difference between extensive and intensive property Extensive depends on matter that is present and intensive does not Distinguish physical and chemical change PC- change in substance that does not involve a change in the identity of the substance CC- change in which one or more substances are converted into different substances Change in the object. Whether solid, liquid, or gas. Changing form Quark-Gluon Plasma- Top Degenerate matter- Bottom Where are metals and nonmetals on a periodic table? Metals- Left side Nonmetals- Right side Cannot be separated into simpler means What is the name of a new substance and different formula? What is the name of the same substance and different formula? If it’s a pure substance, how do you identify the melting or freezing point? If it’s a mixture, how do you identify the melting or freezing range? How do melting and freezing points of a pure substance compare? Chemistry/Physics PS test Time Travel based on Einstein's theories Chemistry: EM, Einstein, Photons, Bohr, OM Model, Electron Configuration Nuclear Chemistry Chemistry Elements Chemistry U2 Einstein / Photoelectric Effect Newton vs Einstein Chemistry Exam 3 (Atomic Theory) General Science II Module 1 Test Philip Glass Knee Play 1 from Einstein On The Beach Chemistry- The Modern Atomic Theory company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy We will write a custom sample essay on
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Effects of Psychoactive Substance Abuse on Young People Essay
The Effects of Psychoactive Substance Abuse on Young People - Essay Example Drug and alcohol abuse have adverse effects on the mental health of young people, impacting on their ability to learn and to progress normally in the education system. Cannabis, for example, impairs cognitive development, in particular associative processes and recall, and affects the intoxicated student's ability to concentrate (WHO 2006), while cocaine consumption results in a range of cerebral complications, ranging from hallucination to paranoia (Wikipedia 2006). Many studies reveal a correlation between drug/alcohol abuse and poor grades, as well as with other behavior that inhibit learning, making substance abuse one of the top problems in youth education today. Psychoactive substance abuse also has a negative impact on the body. Both cannabis and alcohol impair psychomotor performance and visual perception, resulting in many fatal motor vehicle accidents, as well as complications such as seizures, and lung, kidney and brain damage (WHO 2006).
Monday, November 18, 2019
Task 3 Experiment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Task 3 Experiment - Coursework Example Resistance to the salinity levels by seeds is important to ensure plant survival. Soil sanitization degrades the soil. Building up of minerals (Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, etc.) in these lands is due to evaporation. The condition is further worsened by over irrigation and excessive evaporation. Though some plants are tolerant to high salinity levels, others have little or no salinity tolerance. A high salt content interferes with the germination of seeds as it prevents roots from osmotic activities. This regulates the amount of nutrients and minerals being taken up by the plant. The Osmotic activities has been said to be partially if not fully, involved in the salt tolerance of certain plants (Neto et al., 2004). According to Bajji, he argues that the ability of the seed bank to remain dormant in high salt levels and germinate immediately after reduction is very significant in plants adapting and colonizing their environment as it ensures life continuity. (Bajji et al., 20 02) Measuring salt into cup on scales. In case the needed weight is less than the scale’s smallest increment, measure about 2 or 4 times that amount, and halve it using a spatula. Put the measured amount in a graduated cylinder. Carefully add the measured salt from the graduated cylinder to a measured volume of distilled water in another graduated cylinder and stir effectively. The main reason is to ensure that the salt is dissolved and evenly distributed throughout the solution. The seedlings including the control test are all stored under similar environmental conditions (Light, temperature and humidity). By varying the concentration of NaCl, one is able to compare the results by seeing how the seedlings are faring. Given that maize is widely grown in different regions with varying saline conditions, it is important we do this in order to understand that plants offer resistance to conditions that are not conducive for their
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Analysis Chaos in Jurassic Park Essay Example for Free
Analysis Chaos in Jurassic Park Essay Jurassic Park: Absurd Chaos The main story of Jurassic Park written by Michael Crichton is about genetically cloned dinosaurs who break loose. Confusion and complete disorder occurs throughout the story of Jurassic Park. In the story, the theme of chaos is unpredictably built in the humans lives. Dr. Ian Malcolm predicts that having dinosaurs in Isa Nubla will cause disaster. If the animals are released to the island, they will be a liability because they will disrespect nature. Malcolm is the most famous mathematician who predicts chaos countless of times in the park. The reeding of dinosaurs are the main cause that create chaos and destructs Jurassic Park. Malcolm foresees that the creation of dinosaurs is not a smart idea, for it can cause unpredicted behavior. Malcolm is a scientist who is outgoing, egoistic and has the knowledge to create new ideas. Malcolm states that it is an attempt to recreate a natural environment from the past (Crichton 92). Dinosaurs are known to be as an ancient species that only existed long ago. Having the idea creating dinosaurs in Jurassic Park is bizarre to humans. Nature is the biggest problem Jurassic Park has at becoming successful. Having the idea of using the dinosaurs as the park entertainment on an island is Just sounds like a major trap under no circumstance. Malcolms calculation has gradually built up the story more precise. As stated by Dr. Malcolm in the book, he said Life will find a way(139). He meant that the dinosaurs will find a way to live the way they want. This is something that scientists didnt think about when they brought dinosaurs back to life. The scientists didnt think about the way that nature would want to live and decided that they could control it. Dr. Malcolm uses the chaos theory to predict the collapse of the park. In the beginning of the book Malcolm is introduced to the story. One of the first things Dr. Malcolm talks about is the chaos theory. In the first conversation with him in the book Malcolm said, Theory tells me that the island will quickly proceed to behave in unpredictable fashion(76). What Malcolm means by this is that without even visiting the park he can say that it will fail. Dr. Malcolm is a problem in the story because convinces other people that Jurassic Park is a bad idea. Dinosaurs represent unnatural habitats to the current society. However Hammond, a billionaire developer, decides to breed dinosaurs in the park. Dr. Hammonds main conceptual idea is to earn a lot of money from the rich tourists so he can build more Jurassic Parks in other countries. He is self centered, greedy and stubborn who is unaware that dinosaurs can ultimately cause destruction. Crichton writes, miou know whats wrong with scientific power? Its a form of inherited wealth. And you know what assholes congenitally rich people are (122). This shows that Hammonds objective is to gain wealth and not for the sake of saving the environment. He is blind to the fact that recreating dinosaurs will only bring negativity to the current world. Creating more dinosaurs will undoubtedly ring chaos to the park. The cloning of dinosaurs starts from John Hammond. Hammond hired scientists and doctors to make his creation come true. In particular, a scientist named Dr. Wu, a young graduate and whom Hammond hires is beginning work. Dr. Wus objective is to control the number is reproduce dinosaurs in the park. By doing so, he thought that putting genetically mortified frog DNA into the missing DNA in dinosaurs will stop dinosaurs reproduction, but in reality, doing this enables the dinosaurs DNA to switch genders and have the ability to reproduce. Furthermore, Crichton writes, All major changes are like death. You cant see to the other side until you are there. (167). After he changed the DNA, the dinosaurs kept reproducing and Dr. Wu and his team had no control over the number of reproduced dinosaurs. Malcolm mentions, All major changes are like death. You cant see to the other side until you are there. (175). This is where chaos and unnatural catastrophe begins in Jurassic Park. Before the grand opening of the Jurassic Park, Malcolm anticipates that having unnatural species is a tragic demise to Jurassic Park, known as the Malcolm Effect. The Malcolm Effect theory is when the island will quickly roceed to behave in unpredictable fashion There is a problem with that island. It is an accident waiting to happen. (84). Overtime Malcolms prediction begins appear later on in the story. The author writes, Living systems are never in equilibrium. They are inherently unstable. They may seem stable, but theyre not. Everything is moving and changing. In a sense, everything is on the edge of collapse (164). Drastic changes occur when the dinosaurs begin to reproduce and when Malcolm and Hammond engage in an argument. Hammond is relieved that the animals did not get free and overrun the world. Malcolm says that the world cannot be demolished by humans creation. Due to the major problem of dinosaurs breeding, dinosaurs are eager to break loose from the Jurassic Park and begin to overpopulate the island In Malcolms calculation it says, Life breaks free. Life expands to new territories(160). Malcolm thinks Jurassic Park has inherent instability or that it is impossible to control even when the analysis is carried out using computer models. The story considers dinosaurs as the most interesting creatures that anyone has ever witnessed. For example, t-rexs, tyrannasaurs, velocipators and triceratops are the ypes of dinosaurs that are chaotic because they use techniques to kill their prey. The way they use the skills to kill the humans were unique because velociraptor works as a communicative group. Many Raptors may have hunted in packs, often ranging in large numberings. They have a primitive level of vocalization, which enables them to direct attacks and call for help. They are also able to set traps. All the dinosaurs have a right skill sets that can cause chaos. Stubborn scientist, dinosaurs breeding cause chaos. Problems add up and there is not anything that will stop it. Dr. Malcom, Dennis Nedry and the way of nature all caused things to go wrong. There is not any way to control nature. As Ian Malcolm incorporated chaos theory into his calculations, all of these events were predicted in one way or another. The count of animals was much higher than expected due to reproducing. Animals are able to escape due to the fences when being powered off by Denis Nedry. Systems began to fail and caused substantial problems throughout the book. Ian Malcolm had it right, Chaos theory proves that unpredictability is built into our daily lives. (313). There is not any way to control nature. No one can stop chaos once it begins.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Does Anything Break Because it is Fragile? :: Philosophy Philosophers Essays
Does Anything Break Because it is Fragile? ABSTRACT: I maintain that dispositions are not causally relevant to their manifestations. The paper begins with a negative argument, which is intended to undermine David Lewis’ recent attempt to restore causal potency to dispositions by identifying their instantiations with the instantiations of their causal bases. I conclude that Lewis’ attempt to vindicate the causal credentials of dispositions meets obstacles that are analogous to (though importantly different from) those that beset Donald Davidson’s attempt to accord a causal role to the mental. I then consider an argument recently given by Frank Jackson against the causal relevance of dispositions (to their manifestations). Jackson’s argument relies on a conception of dispositions that is not likely to be shared by those who defend their causal relevance. I sketch an alternative conception of dispositions that links them more closely to their causal bases, but argue that even on this model disposition s are causally impotent. The paper closes with a defense of the claim that dispositions, in spite of their causal irrelevance to their manifestations, are nevertheless causal-explanatorily relevant to them. We regard dispositions as being causally responsible for their manifestations. We say that the glass broke because it was fragile, that the rubber band stretched because it is elastic, and that the arsenic killed him because it was lethal. Some philosophers have denied this. According to them, dispositions are causally irrelevant to the effects in terms of which they are defined. This view was defended by Elizabeth Prior, Robert Pargetter and Frank Jackson, and has been (tentatively) endorsed by David Lewis. According to them, fragility is the second-order property of having some or other first-order property (e.g., a given molecular structure) that tends to cause breaking under certain circumstances. But then, they infer, it is this first-order feature (the `causal basis' of the glass's fragility), and not fragility itself, that is responsible for causing the breaking. Fragility is thus conceptually after the fact as concerns the causation of breaking: the glass counts as being fragile only in consequence of its having some other, first-order property that is causally responsible for its breaking when struck. Lewis has always seemed uneasy with this view. He has called it a "disagreeable oddity" that must be dispatched if the identification of dispositions with second-order properties is to win our unequivocal support. In a recent paper, he takes himself to have done just that.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Causes and Consequences of World War I Essay
Belief in inevitability of war and advocacy of war to become supreme major cause for WW1. 5. Anglo-german naval rivalry Britain was supreme at sea and was challenged by germany. Britain couldn’t accept this. The rivalry culminated in WW1. 6. Absence of international organisation Concert of europe was informal group of nations aftr napoleans defeat but couldn’t control its member and didn’t represent the entire free world. The system of pacific settlement of international disputes set up by the hague conference was unsatisfactory. And couldn’t contain imperial rivalries. 7. Negative role of the press in creating war psychology despite attempts of governments to normalise their relations. 8. Autrian and serbian rivalry Austria-hungary wanted access to sea at the cost of slav territories and serbia represented slav nationalism. The two had contradictory aims. This led to a conflict of interest and was encouraged by the russian czar as well building grounds for war. 9. Personal ambitions of leader. Kaiser william II of germany, austra-hungary, russian leaders(czar and his wife). 10. The Sarajevo incident Annexation of bosnia-herzegovina by austria in 1908, 2 balkan wars, italian annexation of tripolo ,moroccan crisis along with the japanese threat to peace in the background, the assassination of the crown price of austria-hungary, archduke franze ferdinand with his wife in sarajevo june,1914 was a direct cause for WW1. Consequences The results of the great war were almost as numerous as its causes. By the end of the world war in 1918, american president woodrow wilson proposed peace and made a statement of war aims in his famous ’14 points’ 1. Open covenant of peace,openly arrived at and Abolition of secret diplomacy 2. Absolute freedom of navigation at sea, outside territorial waters in peace and war except by international action. 3. Removal of eco barriers and establishment of equal trade conditions 4. Reduction in national armaments to the point only needed for domestic security 5. Free,open minded and impartial adjustment of all colonial claims 6. Evacuation of all russia territory and allowing its to politically develop in acc with her own national policy 7. Evacuation and restoration of Belgium 8. Same for france and return of alsace and Lorraine to it. 9. Readjustment of italian frontiers along clear line of nationality 10. Freest opportunity of autonomous devt for people of austria-hungary 11. Evacuation and restoration of romania,serbia and montenegro and free access to sea for serbia 12. Autonomous devt of the non turkish possessions of the sultan 13. Resurrection of independent polan with access to sea. 14. Formation of a general association of nations for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of pol independence and territorial integrity to small n great alike. These were accepted but not followed by the european nations of the peace conference and were later rejected by the american senate after woodrow wilson lost his popularity and presented them befre the senate. Paris peace conference Fightin in WW1 ended with complete surrender of germany in nov,1918. Representatives of allied and associated powers assembled at paris on 18 jan 1919 to draw a new map of europe and the world. Selection of paris as venue unfortunate decision. It was done to take revenge from germany for the french humiliation at the hall of mirrors in versailles aftr the french defeat in the franco-prussian war. The conference was a victors club as none of the leaders of the defeated countries attended it as they were allowed no say in the conference. The conference was dominated by 4 leaders- woodrow wilson, PM lloyd george of britain, PM of france george celemnceau, italian PM vittorio orlando. It was at this conference that the treaty of Versailles was signed, officially ending WW1 on 28th july 1919. Provisions of treaty of versailles 1. Territorial provisions territorial changes in respect of germany. †¢alsace and lorraine returned to france †¢eupene,malmady and mernet given to belgium east germany given to posen †¢ Parts of west prussia and silesia to poland. Poland given access to to sea at the cost of german by way of corridor in west prussia. †¢port memel and hinterland taken away but fate undecided. Later given to lithuania. †¢coal mining area of saar demanded by france by nt given to france. Only under temporary control of france. Aftr 15 years- plebiscite conducted whether saar wants to go to germany, france or remain with league of nations †¢ Ausrtia-hungary broken up into small states. New austria small ger speaking landlocked state. Due to fears of france, germany and austria prevented from uniting without permission of league of nations of which france was permanent member. †¢small german territory also given to czechoslovakia. †¢germany also lost all colonies which were taken up by other powers of league of nations. 2. Economic provisions of reparation. †¢War indemnity cudnt be imposed on germany because a)cost of war borne by allies impossible to return for germany b)woodrow wilson against war indemnity since war cost weren’t only borne by allies but also by defeated powers. so allies demanded compensation for indiscriminate bombing and loss of lives at the hands of germany †¢no payable amount was fixed. A reparation commission set up to determine the extent of civilian losses keeping in mind germanys capacity to pay back. †¢germany was to gives horses and cattle to france n belgium and coal to france,belgium n italy. It was to surrender it submarine telegraph cables to allies and surrender all merchant ships more than 1600 tonnes. †¢default on part of germany was punishable by allies †¢customs union between Luxembourg and germany abolished to end german control over luxembourg economy. repartion commission submitted its report in april 1921 and total amount payable by germany was 6,600,000,000 pounds. †¢germany ws to giv trade facilities of certain commodities to allies. Acces to sea to Czechoslovakia and Switzerland. †¢german rivers and canal internationalised. 3. Disarmament †¢principle of reduction of arms incorporated in covenant of league. But it was not followed by allied powers. There were severe disarmament provisions for germany that made her a military cripple †¢army limited to 100,000 troops and 4000 officers. Recruitment only voluntarily. †¢navy limited to 6 battle ships,6 light cruisers,12 destroyers and 12 torpedo boats. No submarines. Strength of navy only 15000 men and 1500 officers. War ships in excess were to be dismantled. †¢debarred from having an air force and naval aircrafts. †¢german general staff abolished. Allied control commission set up to supervise enforce of these clauses. Set up ws to be funded by germany again. 4. War and guilt crimes †¢germany declared solely responsible for war by article 231 of treaty. german emporer kaiser william II was found guilty of violation of treaties and international law. He sought asylum in netherlands who refused to hand him over to allies for a trial. †¢german people could never accept that their country alone was responsible for the war. 5. Provisions regarding international organisation †¢1st part of treaty provided for the establishment of a world organisation to be known as league of nations. †¢ Its constitution,called covenant, was adopted at the paris conference and included all peace treaties. It was to consist of an assembly,council and secretariat. †¢ A permanent court of international justice and international labour organisation was to be set up. †¢ These bodies were meant to maintain peace,settle international disputes peacefully,punish countries who may break the covenant and improve social and economic life all over the world. The guarantees of the enforcement of the treat were written in part XIV according to which until successful execution of the treaty the entire Rhineland(west of rhine with bridgeheads) would be occupied by allied powers. Germany was ultimately reduced from a world power to an insignificant small power. She was forced to give up monarchy and accept democracy which was something the country wasn’t prepared for. The treaty was so humiliating that the german had sworn revenge for it. The seeds for WW2 had been sown. Hitler later exploited this situation and imposed dictatorship in 1933 and began rearmament under the excuse that the allies had not reduced their armaments. This led to another arms race,violation of the treaty and eventually culminated in the second world war. Other treaties †¢treaty of st. ermain with austria on the model of treaty of versailles with excpetion of the reparation clause. †¢treaty of neuilly with bulgaria †¢treaty of tianon with hungary †¢treaties of sevres and luasanne with defeated turkey to separate its constituents and reduce military capacity and pay reparation Fall of Ottoman empire Its fall during the war created many newly independent middle eastern nation states which were quickly taken over by britain france etc. Economic depression The end of the war also caused a temporary economic bubble which soon popped and led to the great depression.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Economies of scale and diminishing returns Essay
In Business Economics, the short run is defined as the concept that within a certain period of time, in the future, at least one input is fixed while others are variable and the long run is defined as a period of time in which all factors of production and costs are variable. The law of diminishing returns is a short run concept, which states that increasing successive units of a variable factor to a fixed factor will increase output but eventually the addition to output will start to slow down and would eventually become negative. This is because if capital is fixed, extra labour will eventually get in each other’s way as they attempt to increase production. E.g. think about the effectiveness of extra employees in a factory that’s maximum workers is 100. If the firm employs 150 workers, then the productivity will eventually decrease, as they will get in each other’s way etc. However, this law only applies in the short-term, as in the long run, all factors are va riable. As you can see from the graph above, the average fixed cost (AFC) curve falls as output increases due to the fact that fixed costs are a decreasing proportion of total cost as output increases. Both the average total cost (ATC) and the average variable cost (AVC) curves fall, and then rise again. The curves start to rise after a certain point because diminishing return takes place. The distance on the y-axis between the ATC and the AVC represents the value of the average fixed cost (AFC). Just like the average variable cost and average total cost curves demonstrate, the marginal cost also falls, and eventually rises again as diminishing marginal returns take place. Economies of scale, however, refer to the advantages that arise from large-scale production, which in turn results in a lower average unit cost (cost per unit). It explains the relationship between the long run average costs of producing a unit of good with increasing level of output. Unlike diminishing returns, economies of scale is a process that operates and is caused by a development over a long period of time. Economies of scale also have many sources whereas diminishing returns is the relationship between output and only one input of production.There are two different forms of economies of scale that could occur in a firm. The first is internal economies of scale. This refers to the advantages that are caused as a result of the expanding and growth of a firm/business. Internal economies of scale can be additionally categorized into commercial, managerial, financial and technical economies of scale. Commercial economies of scale arise from the purchase of raw materials and the sale of finished goods. When the firm’s output increases, they order larger quantities of the raw materials (bulk buying) and therefore these raw material firms favour these businesses, and offer lower prices due to their ordering of higher quantities. Managerial economies of scale is a process that follows the principle of the division of labour and creates specialization due to the firm’s ability to employ specialized employees, and this causes an increase in production efficiency. A financial economy of scale is when a large firm benefits by getting better credit facilities e.g. credit at cheaper rates, being able to negotiate better finance deals etc. Finally, a technical economy of scale arises due to large-scale production because there is a technical advantage in the use of large machinery in the production process. Technical economies of scale will most likely arise due to machinery being used in the production process, which are more efficient than human labour, and also require less maintenance, training and do not require payment. External economies of scale refers to the advantages firms/businesses can get as a result of the growth of the entire industry as a whole. Usually, the industry grows due to an improvement in a specific area of the industry, such as an increase in the local’s skill and training, and improving in the training facilities themselves, which causes an increase in the quality of training for the future employees or an increase in the foreign supply of labour with a higher skillset that before.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Scottish Independence and the United Kingdom
Scottish Independence and the United Kingdom There are eight accepted criteria that determine whether an entity is an independent country or state. An entity need only fail on one of the eight criteria to fall short of the definition of an independent country. Scotland does not meet six of the eight criteria. Criteria Defining an Independent Country Heres how Scotland measures upon the criteria that define an independent country or state. Space or Territory With Internationally Recognized Boundaries Boundary disputes are OK. Scotland does have internationally recognized boundaries and an area of 78,133 square kilometers. People Live There on an Ongoing Basis According to the 2001 census, Scotlands population is 5,062,011. Economic Activity and an Organized Economy This also means a country regulates foreign and domestic trade and issues money. Scotland certainly has economic activity and an organized economy; Scotland even has its own GDP (over 62 billion pounds sterling as of 1998). However, Scotland does not regulate foreign or domestic trade, and the Scottish Parliament is not authorized to do so. Under the terms of the Scotland Act 1998, the Scottish Parliament is able to pass laws on a range of issues known as devolved issues. The United Kingdom Parliament is able to act on reserved issues. Reserved issues include a variety of economic issues: the fiscal, economic and monetary system; energy; common markets; and traditions. The Bank of Scotland does issue money, but it prints the British pound on behalf of the central government. The Power of Social Engineering, Such As Education The Scottish Parliament is able to control education, training, and social work (but not social security). However, this power was granted to Scotland by U.K. Parliament. Transportation System for Moving Goods and People Scotland itself has a transportation system, but the system is not fully under Scottish control. The Scottish Parliament controls some aspects of transportation, including the Scottish road network, bus policy, and ports and harbors, while the U.K. Parliament controls railways, transport safety, and regulation. Again, Scotlands power was granted by the U.K. Parliament. Government That Provides Public Services and Police Power The Scottish Parliament has the ability to control law and home affairs (including most aspects of criminal and civil law, the prosecution system, and the courts) as well as the police and fire services. The U.K. Parliament controls defense and national security across the United Kingdom. Again, Scotlands power was granted to Scotland by the U.K. Parliament. Sovereignty: No Other State Has Power Over the Countrys Territory Scotland does not have sovereignty. The U.K. Parliament definitely has power over Scotlands territory. External Recognition, Voted Into the Club by Other Countries Scotland does not have external recognition, nor does Scotland have its own embassies in other independent countries. The Verdict As you can see, Scotland is not an independent country or state, and neither are Wales, Northern Ireland, or England itself. However, Scotland is most certainly a nation of people living in an internal division of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Business environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3
Business environment - Essay Example One of the top companies in the banking industry according to the FTSE 100 listing is the Barclays bank, an institution that has had a fair share of opportunities and challenges, but still remain on top of other multinationals (Dash & Das, 2013). Barclays bank is a British based banking multinational that has continued to dominate the banking industry in not only the United Kingdom or Europe, but also other continents of the world. Based in London, United Kingdom, Barclays bank was categorised into the universal bans category due to its widespread presence in most countries and regions in the world. Today, the bank operates in over 50 countries with over 48 million customers evenly spread in different sectors of the world economy. The great performance and dominance of the company has been attributed to its cluster categorisation, which provides customers with a wide range of banking services (Barclays Bank, 2013). Barclays bank currently boosts three major divisions made up of the corporate and investment banking, wealth and investment management and the retail and business category. Barclays bank was established in 1690 by James Barclay and has grown to be a major force in the industry through partnerships, collaborations, mergers and acquisitions. For example, the backhouse’s bank and the gurney bank formed a partnership with the company and this strengthened not only its capital base but also the market presence in the country. The great performance of Barclays bank has stood out significantly and this has been attributed to the proper management and customer care approaches it has adopted. According to an annual report released by the company in 2011, the company’s solid position improved by 11% tier one ratio. This was accompanied by a  £161 billion pounds improvement in the liquidity pool of the company relative to the figures that the company posted in the previous financial year.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Coping, Maintaining Health and Preventing Illness Assignment
Coping, Maintaining Health and Preventing Illness - Assignment Example People with Type A personalities have low self-esteem, low patience, and distrust towards fellow humans. These qualities result in irritation, anger, anxiety and lack of sympathy; these symptoms indicate anxiety disorders. Experiencing anxiety disorders indicates or are associated with some form of cardiac issues. Psychology of individuals has a significant impact on their health. Association of psychological distress and chronic heart failure was established by Lesman-Leegte et al.’s (2006) study that indicated most of the patients with chronic heart failure were suffering from psychological distress, either in the form of depression or anxiety disorder. Sogaard et al.’s (2008) research carried out with a purpose of investigating relationships between type A behavior pattern and psychological distress measured in middle aged men participating in two surveys 28 years apart clearly indicated that Type A individuals had high risk of developing psychological distress. Psychological distress needs to be managed through counselling and psychotherapy that can strengthen Type A individuals’ psychosocial characteristics towards more positive outcomes. Aquarius et al. (2006) proved that younger people require higher social support in order to recover from treatment of peripheral arterial disease (a type of heart disease). This social support is to enhance their psychosocial impressions of the self and
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